Monday, January 9, 2012

a fresh start...

There's something about a new year, a new calendar, that fresh, blank sheet of paper, that gives me a sense of anticipation.  A feeling that maybe I can make a fresh start and be more organized than I have been.  Of course, more organized is not that difficult to achieve, since I consider myself a pretty disorganized person and almost any effort would be an improvement.

Though it seems an overwhelming task at times, I'm trying to do this in baby steps, so I'm sending out an invitation so that anybody who wants to join me (or partner with me for some accountability), in my journey to being, let's call it "less disorganized", can do so.  For however long you want ... I don't think I need to add to anybody's "TO DO" list.

I have a lot of mini-goals within my bigger goals, but right now I'm working on sorting my photos in Memory Manager.  I also recently got a small scanner so I have a lot of old photos that I want to scan and eventually put into a family history album.  One thing about scanning/sorting is that you don't see the results the way you do when you create a scrapbook page.  Since I don't want that to hold me back, I'm going to use a timer to work on these projects for just 15 minutes at a time. 

Let me know what ideas you have come up with for sorting/organizing your photos/scrapbooking/craft supplies. 

Happy scrapping!

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